Thursday, 3 October 2013

WhatsApp : How to Run more than One WhatsApp account on your Android Device

WhatsApp a instant messaging app which the most famous instant chatting client on almost all mobile platforms.Other than instant Chatting Whatsapp gives its user many features like file sharing like
images,videos,etc.And by Offering so much useful features WhatsApp becomes very famous in a very short period.WhatsApp craze can be understand by seeing the figures by WhatsApp only which tells us that WhatsApp Holds 200 million + monthly active users.According to a report issued, it send more than 20 million messages per day, that is approximately double the message carried out by Facebook.

Keyloggers : How to secure your system.

How to secure your system from Keyloggers 

Now a days keylogger is major problem for all.  So we should learn to secure our computer from keylogger.    This article will help for ethical hackers or who want to protect their pc.
  What is Keylogger?
Keylogger is one of spyware which will what type you through the keyboard and send it to hacker who send the keylogger. Hackers mainly use keyloggers to steal your passwords, credit card numbers and other confidential data.  So whenever you type the username and password in gmail,online banking sites, it will send the username and password to hacker.

Spoofing Facebook Massege

i found one amazing Trick and thought to Share With You All Guys, Okay! but the problem is this trick works only sometimes. I mean it depends upon user security and some other contents. well It works everytime but unfortunately sometimes it goes into SPAM message - Just depend upon users security, networking, port etc. I'm gonna show you an  tutorial on Facebook Message Spoofing Trick, and Send message to anyone from anyone's ID...